We innovate and develop next-generation x-ray technology to inspire new and daring research in the global fight against disease as well as other critical, multi-industry applications in a wide array of emerging fields.

Let Us Innovate Your World
Our Mission Statement
What We Do
Why We Do It
We believe that everyone has a purpose, and that those of us with expertise likewise have an obligation, to push the envelope of human knowledge in the service of all mankind.
How We Do It
We bring our best every day and aim to do just a little better tomorrow. We share the journey with our partners, understand their aspirations, and design solutions that help them achieve excellence. We also share in their setbacks, which inform and propel us even further.
Our Core Values

Innovating With the Future in Mind
Countries that have Precision Products
Precision irradiators installed around the world
Published Papers utilizing Precision Products
Irradiation procedures performed with Precision Irradiators