Germline specific genes increase DNA double-strand break repair and radioresistance in lung adenocarcinoma cells
HSP90 inhibition suppresses tumor glycolytic flux to potentiate the therapeutic efficacy of radiotherapy for head and neck cancer
Radiation upregulates macrophage TREM-1 expression to exacerbate injury in mice
Elective nodal irradiation mitigates local and systemic immunity generated by combination radiation and immunotherapy in head and neck tumors
Effects of the depletion of neural progenitors by focal X-ray irradiation on song production and perception in canaries
Absolute Oxygen-Guided Radiation Therapy Improves Tumor Control in Three Preclinical Tumor Models
Validation of an orthotopic non-small cell lung cancer mouse model, with left or right tumor growths, to use in conformal radiotherapy studies
Comparison and calibration of dose delivered by 137Cs and X-ray irradiators in mice
Monte Carlo modelling of an x-ray chamber for providing inactivation exposures to viruses
Cleaner product: Madison firm launches antimicrobial system for cannabis growers