Sensitization of Vascular Endothelial Cells to Ionizing Radiation Promotes the Development of Delayed Intestinal Injury in Mice
Selective EGLN Inhibition Enables Ablative Radiotherapy and Improves Survival in Unresectable Pancreatic Cancer
Preclinical murine platform to evaluate therapeutic countermeasures against radiation-induced gastrointestinal syndrome
Plasma Fibrinogen-Like 1 as a Potential Biomarker for Radiation-Induced Liver Injury
Downregulation of TMPRSS4 Enhances Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cell Radiosensitivity Through Cell Cycle and Cell Apoptosis Process Impairment
Dose painting by dynamic irradiation delivery on an image-guided small animal radiotherapy platform
Dietary methionine links nutrition and metabolism to the efficacy of cancer therapies
Successful Migration from Radioactive Irradiators to X-ray Irradiators in One of the Largest Medical Centers in the US
Image Registration and Localization Accuracy of a Micro IGRT System
Characterization of image quality and image-guidance performance of a preclinical microirradiator