Effect of radiation dose fractionation and radiation energy on gold nanoparticle enhancement of radiation therapy
Label-Free Raman Spectroscopy Reveals Signatures of Radiation Resistance in the Tumor Microenvironment
Examination of CD302 as a potential therapeutic target for acute myeloid leukemia
Differential response of esophageal cancer cells to particle irradiation
Clonal selection confers distinct evolutionary trajectories in BRAF-driven cancers
iNOS regulates the therapeutic response of pancreatic cancer cells to radiation therapy
Sensitization of Vascular Endothelial Cells to Ionizing Radiation Promotes the Development of Delayed Intestinal Injury in Mice
Selective EGLN Inhibition Enables Ablative Radiotherapy and Improves Survival in Unresectable Pancreatic Cancer
Preclinical murine platform to evaluate therapeutic countermeasures against radiation-induced gastrointestinal syndrome
Dose painting by dynamic irradiation delivery on an image-guided small animal radiotherapy platform