Clonal selection confers distinct evolutionary trajectories in BRAF-driven cancers
A Comparison of Cs-137 γ Rays and 320-kV X-Rays in a Mouse Bone Marrow Transplantation Model
Dose painting by dynamic irradiation delivery on an image-guided small animal radiotherapy platform
Successful Migration from Radioactive Irradiators to X-ray Irradiators in One of the Largest Medical Centers in the US
Dosimetry of Biological Irradiations Using Radiochromic Films
Increased Mutagenic Joining of Enzymatically-induced DNA Double-strand Breaks in High-charge and Energy Particle Irradiated Human Cells
An Athymic Rat Model of Cutaneous Radiation Injury Designed to Study Human Tissue-based Wound Therapy
Murine P-glycoprotein Deficiency Alters Intestinal Injury Repair and Blunts Lipopolysaccharide-induced Radioprotection.
P21 Protects ‘Super P53’ Mice from the Radiation-induced Gastrointestinal Syndrome