Multi-MATE: High-Throughput Automated Small Animal Radiation Platform

Dr. Lu Jiang at UCLA works to increase the number of specimens on a SmART+ system and accelerate the time spent using the system while keeping submillimetric accuracy!

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Sara Rapic, Timothy Samuel, Patricia E. Lindsay, Steve Ansell, Robert A. Weersink, Ralph S. DaCosta

Assessing the Accuracy of Bioluminescence Image-Guided Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy of Orthotopic Pancreatic Tumors Using a Small Animal Irradiator

Stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) has shown promising results in the treatment of pancreatic cancer and other solid tumors. However, wide adoption of SBRT remains limited largely due to uncertainty about the treatment’s optimal fractionation schedules to elicit maximal tumor response while limiting the dose to adjacent structures.

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Courage MahuvavaNolan Matthew EsplenYannick PoirierStephen F KryMagdalena Bazalova-Carter

Dose calculations for preclinical radiobiology experiments conducted with single-field cabinet irradiators

Improving dose accuracy in pre-clinical research can have a direct impact in improving dose calculations in clinical radiation therapy, improving treatments and outcomes.

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M Schwengler, B Ibironke, K Lemke, A Walther, A Ekpenyong

Computational Modelling of Impedance Based Cell Migration for Improved Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy

Melanie Schwengler et al, at Creighton University, continue their work using a CellRAD benchtop irraditor to study the complex biological phenomenon of metastasis in brain cancer cells.

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Anne Hubbard, Caleb Thiegs, Honour Djam, Harry Kramer, Yohan Walter, Michael Mimlitz, Dr. Andrew Ekpenyong

Concurrent Radiosensitization and Chemotherapy for Brain Tumors

Anne Hubbard from Creighton University, with the help of a CellRAD benchtop cabinet irradiator, works on improving treatment outcomes for highly radioresistant and chemoresistant cancers employing nanoparticle mediated radiosensitization and chemoradiotherapy.

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Ivo P. Torres Filho, Luciana N. Torres, David Barraza, Charnae E. Williams, Kim Hildreth

X-Ray Beam Characterization of the CellRad X-Ray Irradiator Using Plane-Parallel Ionization Chamber and X-Ray Beam Analyzer

How important is repeatability to you in radiobiological studies? Dr. Cabahug from Philippine Nuclear Research Institute shows off the commissioning of a Precision CellRAD+ benchtop cell irradiator at AAPM! His work reflects a high accuracy of the X-ray tube output including multiple energy levels and can serve as a basis for the development of research protocols for cell irradiation operational commissioning.

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Clara M.G. de Faria, Claudia P. Barrera-Patiño, Jhone P.P. Santana, Lucimar R. da Silva de Avó, Vanderlei S. Bagnato

Tumor Radiosensitization by Photobiomodulation

Investigating the combination of radiation with several other techniques for oncological treatment, such as Photodynamic Therapy and Photobiomodulation Therapy. Read more about what the team at the University of São Paulo is doing in their research.

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John T. StaskoClifford G. HammerWesley S. Culberson

The Effect of Mouse Size on Dose from an X-Rad320 Irradiator

When looking to attain consistent and reproducible results, how does variable mouse sizes affect dose delivery? Researchers in the Department of Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health published their findings on this topic.

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María E. GuerraGarcía, David G.Kirsch, Zachary J.Reitman

Targeting the ATM Kinase to Enhance the Efficacy of Radiotherapy and Outcomes for Cancer Patients

Targeting the DNA damage response represents a promising approach to improve the efficacy of radiation therapy. The serine/threonine kinase ATM mediates signal transduction following DNA double strand breaks and promotes cell cycle arrest, apoptosis, senescence, and metabolic reprogramming. Because radiation therapy selectively kills cancer cells by inducing DSBs and because mice and humans lacking ATM function are sensitized to radiation, inhibiting ATM has been proposed as a strategy to improve Cancer Radiation Therapy for over 25 years.

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Michael MerrickMichael J MimlitzCatherine WeederHaris AkhterAllie BrayAndrew WaltherChisom NwakamaJoe BamesbergerHonour DjamKaamil AbidAndrew Ekpenyong 

In Vitro Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy Alter Migration of Brain Cancer Cells Before Cell Death

The more we understand cancer, the closer we are to eradicating it. Stressing the need for anti-metastasis strategies alongside chemotherapy and radiation therapy, researchers @Creighton University, Omaha, NE, using a CellRad system, irradiated cancer and non-cancer cells to determine their level of migration. It is in this migration where cancer cell metastases invade healthy tissue, causing the growth of new tumors that lead to over 90% of all cancer deaths. Together, we can not only fight cancer, but we can beat it! Contact us today to see how we can help your cancer research.

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