Dose Mapping
Dose Mapping is a technique used to quantify dose variations within an irradiation field. It ensures accurate, reproducible, and repeatable research and aids in optimal placement of specimens to effectively plan and set up protocols.

Dynamic Collimator
For targeted x-ray irradiation, the collimator uses a high intensity LED to represent x-ray field coverage and is equipped with a laser-centering crosshair indicator.

Programmable Motorized Shelf
Using the touchscreen interface, the user can program the height or source to shelf distance (SSD). Changing the shelf height allows the user to easily modify the field size and dose rate.

Automated Filter Wheel
Five beam conditioning filters located on a motorized filter wheel moves to a selected position. Users are not required to manually change the filters.

External Dosimeter
The external dosimeter allows users to get internal dose readings via water or air. The products in this set provide easy calibration of the internal dosimetry system. The multi-functional set includes:
- Water tank
- PTW Unidos Romeo
- Farmer Chamber
- Mandatory lab calibration